Rushelli Luna

Rushelli Luna is a pioneer and industry leader, a nonprofit expert, providing ambitious planning, management and development services to organizations invested in low-income areas and underserved communities. Ms. Luna has many roles, she is first a loving mother of two beautiful girls, setting an example and creating so many teachable moments for her children.

Ms. Luna has always desired to give back and create a specific structure catered to nonprofits to provide change for communities of color that are underserved and impacted by systems that are not set up for their success. With 10+ years in the field, learning and preparing Tax Returns, Rushelli’s objective is to build impactful leaders across the world, helping nonprofits at every stage.

Our CEO, Rushelli Luna, is a humble individual using her smarts and affinity for words to make a difference in the economic strength and well-being of all those who cross her path, “As a licensed Tax Preparer, I work with clients to prepare, plan and file tax returns, as well as assist with IRS issues & business filings.”